Monday, September 27, 2010

Eddie Long and the Prosperity Gospel

But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs I Timothy 6:9,10

The irony of this passage that the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to a Timothy a young pastor/church planter. It defies logic how there can be a book in the bible that pretty much speaks out on the folly of chasing wealth, but there can still somehow be a movement/pseudo gospel that teaches Christians how to get wealth.

First this particlular text is widley misquoted. Often people quote it thus "Money is the root of all evil" Of course the text properly says that the love of money is the root of all evil kinds of evil. However because people don't read verse 9, they just look at themselves and say I don't love money so I'm ok. Briefly taking a look at the prosperity gospel its hard to argue that the men that purport it don't love money. If you have a mansion, drive a Rolls, wear custom made suits, and fly on private jets it's hard to say that you don't love money. Not to mention that these preachers continually preach about the subject.

If we were talking about Sean "Diddy" Combs we'd all agree that he loves money, he makes it and spends it lavishly. The man talks about it constantly in his songs and videos. Of course he loves money. However we have prosperity preachers that live the same lifestyle and somehow they don't love money. Prosperity preachers are preaching about the good life, essentially making a faux rap video in the pulpit and parishioners slurp it up the same way a 13 year old girl does Justin Bieber.

The Prosperity Gospel at it's heart is based on greed and pride. It's interesting to note that these preachers rarely preach about these subject. I may be wrong as I haven't listened to Bishop Long in years, but I'm betting there aren't a lot of sermons you can't point to where he spoke on the former subjects. The teachings literally serve as a how to guide to teach people how to get wealth. Conversely the text above clearly says that the desire to get wealth will cause you to fall into temptation.

Somewhere the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ has been exchanged for a Gospel that uses God/Jesus as a means to get something. The true message of the Gospel is that God is what we get. It's sad that so many have fallen pray to these modern day snake oil salesmen. Even the most cursory assessment of theology and context, cause this already shaky gospel to collapse under its own weight.

When you think about it it's almost laughable. They claim to be a part of a religion who's leader is God incarnate, who subsequently leaves the majesty of heaven to become human and sacrifice himself for his people. What about following that kind of God says I'm going to get paid? Even more egregious is how the early Christians were treated. Let's start with the disciples shall we. Peter was hung on a cross upside down, John was burned alive, and later died in prison. The rest were martyred. And Let's not forget John the Baptist. The man Jesus said was the best man ever born from a woman. He was BEHEADED!!!!! The man that paved the way for Jesus was taken to prison and BEHEADED for doing God's work, for literally preparing the way for God.

Let's not even mention Paul, who was blinded, beaten, shipwrecked, imprisoned and virtually run out of every city. Again what about that screams money cometh? Lastly the the early church constantly persecuted and literally fed to lions for sport in front of a bloodthirsty audience would make a UFC crowds look docile. Compare that Gospel, the conviction that it took to withstand that kind of persecution, to die for it. To say a Joel Olsteen sermon, worse yet a Creflo Dollar one.

So what does this have to do with Bishop Eddie Long? Everything. Whether the Bishop is innocent or not there are factors that led to his fall. The lavish lifestyle that he led ,the power, the influence, when these factors are left unchecked,it is almost certain that temptation will be given into. Bishop Long has profited of the backs of his flock in excess, it is that same excess that led to these allegations. He could fly anywhere, buy anything, how often do you think that Bishop Long was told no? It's a failure of accountability, ego and at it's worst.

As for the Bishop's innocence or guilt. I don't know I wasn't there but I will leave you with the words of Johnny Cash.

Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's done in the dark will be brought to the light

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down

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