Saturday, October 9, 2010

Incorruptible #10 Review

What you need to know: Incorruptible is the story of former super villain turned hero Max Damage. It is a spin off of the Irredeemable series.

What you'll love

Realism: I also read Irredeemable so I have a firm grasp of the world that Mark Waid has created. Even if you haven't read Irredeemable, it is still very easily to slip right into Waid's world. This is a post apocalyptic story with a super hero twist. Instead of a natural disaster the world has been attacked by a powerful superhero gone mad know as the Plutonian. The fear, chaos, and all around madness is palpable throughout the story.

Clever: On the heels of last issues Cliffhanger, Max Damage goes off on a wild goose chase, subsequently leaving his side kick(Jailbait) to fend for herself. The whole issue is very smart and well thought out, there is a solid plot, and near perfect character motivations and reactions.

Great plot: This issue has a group a white supremacist who worship the Plutonian, the Plutonian's scorned lover and a killing machine sent to destroy the city. Max Damage is taking it from all sides and the reader is better for it.

Page Turner: It's underrated in comics, but this book is immensely readable, everything flows and each page leaves you wondering what will happen next.

What you won't

Confusing: It's minor, but its also reoccurring. Every few issues there's a point of confusion with the art. I'm not sure if this is a function of the script or if it's on the artist. But this is not the first issue I've had to go back to figure out what's going on.

Bottom Line: Another Solid offering for Mark Waid on this title.

Grade: B+

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