Friday, December 24, 2010

Morning Glories 5 Review

Morning Glories #5

What you need to know: It's an explosive confrontation as the Glories attempt to rescue one of their own from the deadly clutches of the Academy. But with their newly formed team already falling apart, they suddenly look like they're in need of rescue themselves

What you'll love

The Cover: This is by far my favorite cover of the series so far, the attention to detail, the acting of the characters all make it stand out. If a cover is supposed to make a reader buy the book Rodin Esquejo more than accomplishes his mission. Anyone walking by could pick up this issue, take a look at the cover and immediately understand what the story is about.

Interior Art: It's not a secret that I'm a big fan of Joe Eisma's art, however I thought he'd taken a small step back last issue. In this issue Eisma is at his best, the characters are so well defined, both in their look and expression. The school itself has become a character in this story as well, which is also to Joe's credit. I feel like I've been in Morning Glories Academy before, one can almost smell the chalk dust.

Coloring: This is the first time I've ever commented on the coloring of a book, but as I review more and more books, I've begun to develop an eye for it. Alex Sollazzo's colors help to make this book what it is, it seem that the perfect color is used in every scene. The color's capture the youth and energy of the school, while at the same time highlight the darkness that lies under the surface. It's superb work.

Opening:I go on and on about opening scenes because they are so crucial. Spencer has an uncanny knack for using dialogue to grab you in an open. Here he uses point of view to add an element of mystery.

Balls to the wall: Last issue my complaint was that it felt like filler. Issue five is the climax of the arc and it feels like it. Spencer pulls out all the stops, paying off plot threads that he'd set up. This issue gives us a bit of everything that a fan of this book can ask for. It's hard to go into to detail without spoiling it, but rest assured that Nick Spencer slams his foot down and the gas and doesn't let up.

What you won't: What's not to love.

Bottom Line: If you've kicked yourself for not jumping on another book earlier, do yourself a favor and jump on this one now. Do not and I repeat DO NOT wait for the trades, it's that good.

Grade: A-

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